Permission Process for the Torsboda Project
PTL Sweden aims to be a driving force for a sustainable society in Västernorrland and for a Sweden at the forefront of the emerging green industrialization. The transition to new, green technology will require the establishment of new operations that can affect both people and the environment. Here you can read all about PTL Sweden's permission process to build our facility.
PTL Sweden's factory in the Torsboda Industrial Park will be a top-class green tech facility. The fully automated and intelligent production technology will be powered by 100 percent renewable energy. We will use European raw materials and recycle by-products from production. In our facility, we will manufacture anode material, which is an essential component for producing lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries, in turn, are crucial for the electrification of the vehicle fleet tanks to their high energy density, long lifespan, and rapid charging capability. These batteries reduce dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to reduced emissions, promoting a more sustainable transport sector with reduced environmental impact. In other words, the factory will be an important part in the ongoing global electrification for reduced dependence on fossil fuels and thus reduced climate impact.
We are seeking permission according to the Swedish Environmental Code to construct our facility
Extensive constructions of industrial facilities that are assessed to affect land and environment require environmental permits from the Land and Environmental Court. Read more about environmental permits here.
Our planned operations will give rise to environmental impact both in the construction process and during operation. Therefore, PTL Sweden will apply for permits for both environmentally hazardous activities and water operations.
The permission process shows the way for how we can build with minimal impact
In order for us to build one of the world's most advanced green factories with minimal impact on the environment, people, and society, we are now applying for permission according to the Environmental Code. This framework law ensures that all construction promotes sustainable development, which can be everything from technology choices to the amount of emissions from the planned build. The permission process takes time, and we cannot start building the factory until we have been approved to do so. During the process, we produce a series of investigations that show in what way and to what extent our operations will affect the surrounding environment. They will also show how we can best counteract negative impact. The investigations will be the basis for the environmental impact assessment we submit to the Land and Environmental Court.
PTL Sweden has great respect for Swedish environmental legislation that protects the country's unique environments. Therefore, we will with extensive accuracy ensure that we follow every step throughout the entire permission process.
Below you can continue reading about how far we have come in the permission process.
The Environmental Code
The Environmental Code is Sweden's overarching law for environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources. Its aim is to ensure sustainable development and protect our environment and human health. The Environmental Code establishes fundamental principles such as the precautionary principle, the polluter pays principle, and the principle of societal benefit. Those conducting operations are responsible for preventing harmful environmental impact. The Environmental Code also regulates when permits are required for certain activities and contains provisions for protected areas. Sanctions are in place for violations.
Permit Process for Environmentally Hazardous Activities and Water Operations
Environmentally hazardous activities refer to operations that may result in emissions of sewage water, solid substances, and gases, or that may cause noise, vibrations, or contamination of land and water.
Water operations concern cases that the Land and Environmental Court examines regarding water diversion, regulation of watercourses, construction of bridges and harbors, dredging, land drainage, etc. These are assessed based on Chapter 11 of the Environmental Code.
The permit process for both environmentally hazardous activities and water operations can be summarized in four parts:
The operation submits its permit application and environmental impact assessment (EIA) to the Land and Environmental Court.
Supplementary Round
After the application is registered, it may be sent to relevant authorities and referral bodies for potential supplementary information. The applicant may be asked to supplement their application if the court deems it necessary.
Permit Assessment and Public Disclosure
The court examines the application based on the submitted material. Information about the application is shared with the public, allowing them to review the plans and provide input.
Main Hearing and Judgment
After receiving opinions, a main hearing is held. This may also involve an on-site inspection of the proposed operation. A judgment is usually delivered within two months after the hearing, determining whether the operation is granted a permit or not.
Different Steps in the Permit Process
The consultation provides us with important information from stakeholders
The consultation provides us with important information from stakeholders. In the consultation document prepared by PTL Sweden, we have described the location, scope, and design of the operations. The document has been used as a basis in the consultation process, which is mandatory according to Chapter 6 of the Environmental Code. Here you can read the entire consultation document. PTL Sweden invited to a scoping consultation on September 5, 2023, in Söråker's Folkets Hus. The purpose of the consultation is to give nearby actors and other stakeholders an opportunity to contribute with views and influence what should be included in the so-called Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the application. Here you can read more about the local residents' great interest in the facility.
When we expect to submit our permit application
According to our preliminary timetable, we will submit the permit application to the Land and Environmental Court during the fall of 2023. At the same time, we also submit the Environmental Impact Assessment.
In the Environmental Impact Assessment, we investigate our impact
PTL Sweden is now working to develop an Environmental Impact Assessment based on the input from the consultation. In it, we investigate the impact that the facility will have on, among other things, noise, emissions, traffic, energy and water consumption, and waste. We also investigate what risk there is for accidents at the facility. We plan to complete the Environmental Impact Assessment during the fall of 2023. You can read more about what we expect to include in it in the consultation document available here.
Facts About the Construction of the Facility
PTL Sweden's factory is estimated to produce approximately 100,000 tons of graphite material per year. The extensive construction of the facility will be carried out in two phases, with each phase having a capacity to produce about 50,000 tons of graphite.
The facility is unique for Europe and will be a significant hub in Europe's battery value chain.
The operation can impact the surroundings both during the construction phase and during the operational phase. During construction, the area will be transformed from a green area to an industrial area, resulting in various types of environmental impact. When the factory is operational, it will be relatively energy-intensive and will also require access to an estimated 2,500 cubic meters of water per day.
All impact will be assessed and reported in the environmental impact assessment, ensuring that the environmental assessment focuses on relevant environmental interests.
The preliminary expectation is that Phase 1 of the facility will be operational in 2025. This date may be subject to change.
Nedan följer en lista över bilagor kopplade till PTL:s ansökan om miljötillstånd. Du finner även ett urval av centrala referenser till utredningar som berör specifika miljöaspekter.
Nyckelreferenser utredningar​​
Utredningar om mark och markarbeten
Arbetsmoment vid schakt- och fyllnadsarbeten. Utförare WSP. Referens: Ansökan, bilaga C03.
Kväve från sprängningsarbeten. Utförare WSP. Referens: Ansökan, bilaga C07.1.
PM Föroreningssituation. Utförare AFRY. Referens: Ansökan, bilaga D1.
Markteknisk undersökningsrapport. Utförare AFRY. Referens: Komplettering, bilaga 07.
Jordprovtagning. Utförare Geohjälp. Referens: Komplettering, bilaga 10.5.
Bullerutredning. Utförare Sweco. Referens: Komplettering, bilaga 11.
Etableringsskedet, inklusive sprängning och masshantering. Utförare IVL. Referens: Komplettering, bilaga 12.
Utredningar om transporter
Transportutredning. Utförare IVL. Referens: Ansökan, bilaga C08.
Bullerutredning. Utförare Sweco. Referens: Komplettering, bilaga 11.
Utredningar om naturvärden
Naturvärdesinventering (2021). Utförare Skogsstyrelsen.
PM - Kompletterade art- och biotopinventering (2022). Utförare Sweco. Referens: Ansökan, bilaga C11.
Fiskinventering med eDNA (2022). Utförare Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet.
Fiskinventering med eDNA (2023). Utförare IVL.
Inventering av mnemosynefjäril (2023). Utförare Calluna. Referens: Ansökan, bilaga C12.1.
PM - Artskydd mnemosynefjäril (2023). Utförare Sweco. Referens: Ansökan, bilaga C12.2.
Gestaltningsförslag Torsbodabäcken (2024). Utförare Sweco. Referens: Ansökan, bilaga C05.
PM - Kompletterade inventering av naturvärden (2024). Utförare Sweco). Referens: Komplettering, bilaga 04.
Bottenfaunainventering Torsbodabäcken (2024). Utförare Pelagia, Referens: Komplettering, bilaga 13.2.
PM - Bedömningar gällande groddjur, inventering med eDNA (2024). Utförare: Sweco, IVL. Referens: Yttrande 12 nov, bilaga 1.
Utredningar om vatten
Dagvattenutredning driftfas, omledning av Torsbodabäcken. Utförare Sigma Civil. Referens: Bilaga C04.
Dagvattenutredning anläggningsfas. Utförare WSP. Referens: Bilaga C07.
Grundvattenmodellering. Utförare Sweco. Referens: Bilaga C13.
Släckvattenutredning. Utförare WSP. Referens: Bilaga C16.
Provtagning Torsbodabäcken vattenkvalitet. Utförare IVL. Referens: IVL​ Bilaga D Statusrapport
Utredningar om luft
Utredning utsläpp till luft samt spridningsmodellering. Utförare Sweco, IVL. Referens: Ansökan, bilaga C15.
Uppdatering: utredning utsläpp till luft samt spridningsmodellering. Utförare Sweco, IVL. Referens: Yttrande 29 nov, bilaga 1.
Transportutredning. Utförare IVL. Referens: Ansökan, bilaga C08.
Utredning trafikemissioner. Utförare IVL. Referens: Yttrande 29 nov, bilaga 2. ​​
Utredningar om kemikalier
Teknisk beskrivning. Utförare IVL. Referens: Bilaga B.
Sevesodokument, utförare Sweco. Referens: Komplettering bilaga 08.
Kemikalieförteckning, utförare IVL. Referens: Yttrande 12 nov, bilaga 2.
PM Sevesotillägg inklusive Sevesoberäkning, utförare IVL. Referens: Yttrande 12 nov, bilaga 3​. ​
Bilagor ​
​Ansökan 2024-03-18
C07 WSP Recipientbedömning och dagvattenhantering för entrepenadarbeten
C12 IVL Sammanfattning av kunskapsläge och konsekvensbedömning av mnemosynefjäril
C12.1 Calluna Inventering av mnemosynefjäril i Torsboda 2023
C12.1.1 Calluna Bilaga 1 Inventering av mnemosynefjäril i Torsboda 2023
C15 Sweco Utredning utsläpp till luft för ny verksamhet i Torsboda
C16 Släckvattenutredning och påverkan på brandrök på omgivningen
​Komplettering 2024-06-20
Yttrande 2024-11-12
Yttrande 2024-11-29